Chest Fat Burning Exercises That Require No Equipment

Chest Fat Burning Exercises That Require No Equipment

Push-up variations

Equipment-free chest fat burning workouts

Firstly, let’s expand on the parallel bar dip. This exercise not only targets the chest  , triceps, and shoulders but also engages the core muscles . To make this exercise more challenging, you can try adding a few variations such as the L-sit dip or the straight bar dip. In the L-sit dip, raise your legs off the ground and hold them in a straight line with your torso, while performing the dip. In the straight bar dip, instead of using parallel bars, use two straight bars and perform the dip in the same manner.

 Push-up variations:

Another exercise that can help burn chest fat is the push-up. Push-ups are a classic exercise that targets the chest muscles, shoulders, and triceps . To make this exercise more challenging, you can try adding a few variations such as the diamond push-up, the decline push-up, or the wide-grip push-up. In the diamond push-up, place your hands close together, forming a diamond shape between your thumbs and index fingers. In the decline push-up, place your feet on an elevated surface such as a bench or a step, while performing the push-up. In the wide-grip push-up, place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart, targeting the outer chest muscles.

The Scapula Push

Moving on, the scapula push can be made more challenging by performing it on one arm at a time. This exercise is also known as the scapula push-up, and it targets the upper chest and shoulders. Begin by getting into a push-up position, then move one shoulder blade towards the spine and push back up. Repeat on the other side.

Cardio exercises:

Cardio exercises are great for burning fat all over the body, including the chest area. Incorporating cardio exercises like running, cycling, jumping jacks, or high knees can help you burn more calories and reduce overall body fat.

The plyometric push-up

The plyometric push-up can be made more challenging by adding a clap at the top of the movement. This exercise not only targets the chest but also helps improve explosive power in the upper body.

Lastly, let’s add a few more  chest fat burning exercises that require no equipment to the list. The first exercise is the chest squeeze push-up. To perform this exercise, place a ball or a cushion between your hands and perform a regular push-up. The added resistance from the ball or cushion will help target the chest muscles more effectively.

Push-up With A Leg

The second exercise is the push-up with a leg raise. Begin by getting into a push-up position, then lift one leg off the ground while performing the push-up. Repeat on the other side. This exercise not only targets the chest but also engages the core muscles and improves balance.


In addition to exercise, diet plays a critical role in reducing body fat. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. Avoid eating processed foods, drinking sugary drinks, and drinking too much alcohol. Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats should be your primary focus.

 Rest and recovery:

Muscle growth and fat loss require rest and recovery. Adequate rest and sleep can help your body recover from intense workouts and reduce the risk of injury. Make sure to give your body enough time to rest and recover before your next workout.


When it comes to achieving fitness goals, consistency is essential. Incorporating these chest fat-burning exercises into your workout routine and sticking to them consistently can help you see results in the long run. Make sure to set realistic and achievable goals and track your progress regularly.

In conclusion, there are numerous exercises for burning chest fat that don’t even require any equipment. Adding these exercises to your workout routine and performing them consistently can help you see results in no time. To avoid injury, always warm up before exercising and listen to your body. Happy exercising!”

Further Reading-

How To Get Rid Of Chest Fat-The Most Effective Fat Burning Exercises
How to Lose Chest Fat — Fast
Top Pre Workout Supplements and What To Look For
What To Eat While Trying To Bulk Up Muscle


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